PhD projects
Other projects
SYBERAC: Mitigating Chemical Impacts on Biodiversity. EU funded project. Link
QTOX: Quantitative Extrapolation in Ecotoxicology. EU Doctoral Network project. Link
PRECAUTION: Predicting the sensitivity of aquatic communities to emerging chemicals: A modelling toolbox for the cross-species extrapolation of chemical sensitivity. Link
ANTIVENOM: ANTIfoulants, VEterinary MediciNal Products and Organic Material can affect marine sediment organisms, but to what extent? Link.
Just finished projects
GETREAL: Incorporating Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Community Sensitivity into Chemical Risk Assessment Link
ECORISK2050: Risks of Chemicals of Emerging Concern under global change Link
Knowledge Impulse Water Quality: Key Factor Toxicology Link
EMERCHE: Effect-directed Monitoring tools to assess Ecological and human health Risks of CHemicals of Emerging concern in the water cycle Link
CARES II: Chemicals Assessment of Risks to Ecosystem Services II Link
TAPAS: Tools for Assessing and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability Link
SOLUTIONS: Solutions for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management Link